ILE by Gulenko

The ILE (ENTp) is adept at seeing distant prospects. Inventive: always has numerous ideas and new projects. Indiscriminately interested in everything in hopes of finding something unique. Depreciates past achievements. Works on what is of interest to him, even if it doesn’t guarantee any real returns. ILE is rather scattered and inattentive - often loses small items. May spend a lot of time thinking to himself and looking for regularities in phenomena. His logic seems paradoxical to others. He is not afraid to go against conventional opinions, if he considers them outdated. Tries to make major breakthroughs and discoveries. He is yielding in matters of everyday life and needs. Will actively resist any attempts to subordinate himself to routine or a strict schedule. Despite the fact that he is busy looking for alternatives to conventional mundane life, in difficult situations he often shows impressive ingenuity and hastiness. He cannot be reasoned with with the language of force. ILE does not feel well interpersonal distances i.e. how close or far he is with someone. He often tries to be equally friendly to everyone. Ensures that his conversation partner expresses an interest for what he has to say. In communication, ILE is accessible and democratic. Absolutely needs periodic emotional shake-ups and upheavals; his mood is depressed within routine.

SEI by Gulenko

The SEI is usually friendly and pleasant in communication. Very considerate of his own conveniences and those of others. Attentive and caring in relation to his close ones. Often takes the position of the “golden mean” in a work group. Loves beautiful objects and images, and a familiar, comfortable atmosphere. Emotional, internally attuned to others, responsive. Seeks to cheer up others with jokes, games, witty comments, and clever retorts. Tries not to get drawn into debates and arguments, wants to be in good relations with everyone. Knows how to negotiate with people in an informal environment. Hides his own problems. Shows courage and optimism. Won’t make promises if he’s not certain that he will be able to carry them out. Wary of people who are intrusive and who could take away his time. Works at a pace most convenient to himself. He works productively only if he is working for himself and for the people he’s interested in. In other cases, the SEI won’t burden himself too much and will try to avoid strenuous expenditures of effort. His productivity is heavily dependent on his mood. Will try to evade boring but necessary work.

ESE by Gulenko

The ESE (ESFj) is emotional and communicative. Knows how to lift the mood, to cheer up other people. Enjoys talking about his contacts and acquaintances. His emotions change sharply: at times he is lighthearted and friendly, other times he is hot-tempered and angry. Pays attention to manners and correctness of behavior of people around him. Caring and hospitable. Knows how to create comfort from what he has at hand. Watches for the well-being of his loved ones. Enjoys giving gifts and doing something pleasant for others. Excellent organizer of events, vacations and celebrations. With difficulty contains his emotions. Nitpicks people whom he doesn’t like. Becomes very offended if his efforts are not appreciated. Quite fussy and scattered. Constantly overloaded with things to do, many of which can be foregone or postponed. Poorly predicts major life upheavals and events. Expects only positive results and outcomes, thus is often subject to stress and disappointments from his unfulfilled hopes. Stable in his habits and methods of spending his free time. Over-estimates how much time he has left, and doesn’t finish everything that was planned. Often starts on important work in the last minute, which leads to unnecessary hurrying and agitation.

LII by Gulenko

The LII has a well developed ability for logical analysis and is capable of clearly distinguishing the primary from the secondary. Creating structures, classifications, concepts is in LII’s style. Once he has figured out the problem, he presents new solutions. He is objective and impersonal, at times even harsh in his evaluations and in his principles. If he is not satisfied with some guidelines or regulations, he may simply ignore them. Poorly orients in people’s feelings and personal relationships. Stubborn and inflexible with his relations to others. Obstinately tries to retain the system of relations to which he has become accustomed. Reserved about himself. Dislikes uninvited guests because he doesn’t know how to entertain and occupy them. Cautious in communication, often holds at a certain distance. The more he sympathizes with a person internally, the less outwardly demonstrative he is of his interest. Tolerant of other points of view and different lifestyles. His behavior is often confusing to others because he makes decisions on intuitive basis by guessing. Frequently, he has one main interest within which he is constantly improving his knowledge and skill. Maintains a conversation only when it is on subjects that are of interest to him. At home LII is modest, often satisfied by a minimum of conveniences. Daily chores have a suppressing and tiring effect on him. Despite his stubbornness, qualities such as pushiness, being demanding and domineering, are underdeveloped in the LII. He cannot subordinate people to himself if only by means of reasoning with them. In critical situations he may be somewhat indecisive. He can’t be forced to do anything by coercion.

SLE by Gulenko

The SLE (ESTp) is a decisive and goal-oriented person. Prefers to set only major goals and will move towards them no matter the obstacles. His persistence increases proportionally to the number of obstacles that must be overcome. If there is no excitement of a struggle or a competition, he plunges into doubt and low mood. Attempts to give instruction and orders, but himself dislikes commanding tone. Makes others concede and fall under his influence. Often assumes the position of a “shadow” leader. Can accept a temporary compromise. Logically calculates a plan of action in advance, as if playing a game of chess; a flexible tactician. Poorly foresees the future development of events; may halt in indecision if things get out of control or take an unexpected turn. Controls his activities from point of view of the final result. In the decisive moment, he is able to concentrate all his forces. Distrustful, tests people in action. Feels unsure about how others relate to him. Prone to first notice the weaknesses and shortcomings. Finds it difficult to restrain negative emotions in his relationships. Can be intolerant in communication with his loved ones. In an extreme situation leaves no room for pity and sympathy. His feelings always have a physical component of possessing his partner.

IEI by Gulenko

Romantic dreamer and visionary. Curious: not indifferent to anything that is novel, unusual, and fascinating. Leaves an impression by his unexpected, sometimes extravagant behavior and statements. Has a refined sense of humor. Knows how to comfort a person, how to uplift the mood. Emotive and charming; may smile even when he is saying something unpleasant. Insistent in his requests when he is strongly motivated. Knows how to pick a good moment to approach a person with his request. Freely manages his own time and that of others. Attentive to his own appearance and that of others, aware of its influence. If necessary, dresses elegantly even exquisitely. In a demobilized state complains of about his life and hardships. Likes when he is looked after, when someone is attentive to his worries. Finds it difficult to give up comfort that he has grown accustomed to. Without strong directives becomes disorganized and demobilized. Cannot focus his attention on a task for lengthy periods of time. In handling money uneconomical and careless: may spend a large sum money on something “for the heart and soul”. May give promises that he hasn’t considered well. Entertains himself to drown out disturbing premonitions.

EIE by Gulenko

The EIE (ENFj) has a deep capacity for emotions and acutely feels the state of other people. Artistic, sublime, and romantic in his feelings. Easily manages his external expressions, alternating between being dramatic or assertive. He aims for polite communication, without any crudeness, coarseness, and prodding. The EIE warns people about impending dangers. He has a good sense for potentially negative courses of events - prepares for them in advance, thinks of alternative exists and options. Interested in topics related to mysterious phenomena. Loves to spend time in solitude and to ponder about the meaning of life, about the past and the future. Considers problems from a global, generalized perspective. At work his goal is to mobilize other people to do work, while the specifics and details of it he leaves up to others to figure out. Has a tendency to accumulate and organize information on a topic or area that captures his interest, but rarely comes back to something he has already learned. Will tackle major problems, but has difficulties with running into failure. Getting absorbed by a project or some undertaking may forget about nourishment and rest. The EIE feels tormented by doubts and uncertainties concerning the need to provide for himself. He poorly monitors his own physical state and has difficulty getting rid of bad habits. Distrustful of compliments. Dresses either in an accentuated aristocratic manner or very plainly. In nutrition tends to mix products of opposing tastes.

LSI by Gulenko

Is distinguished by thoroughness, precision, and concreteness in professional matters. Carefully plans events, thoroughly examines and works out all the specifics. Puts work matters above sentiments. Takes all regulations into account. Keeps his personal things in order. He can always be relied on. Stoically endures life’s hardships. LSI is a person of strong will, diligent and enduring. He/she is insistent and demanding in execution and verification of tasks. Takes care of those who are confused and uncertain, explains to them how they can do their work. In his assessments - a sober realist, who does not tolerate infertile, unrealistic fantasies. Proves his point and supports his case citing numerous facts that he has collected. In communication with friends and colleagues, he is polite and courteous. Can make an impression of an intelligent and well-mannered man. However, in closer, more familiar relations, he can be rather insensitive. Despite the fact that he is quite communicative in a small groups, periodically he needs to spend time alone. Has a tendency to be didactic, to deliver lengthy explanations on his understanding of a subject. May lecture on ethical topics. What he deems himself capable of doing, he will also require from others. May become too deeply immersed in the details and the calculations, at which point he risks losing sight of the broader view. Uncompromising in his convictions. The fall of the ideals that he has previously followed treats as a personal tragedy. Distrustful of strangers and people about whom he knows too little. When he discovers some negative traits in another person, loses trust in him for a long period of time.

LIE by Gulenko

The LIE (ENTj) is an enterprising person who can literally “light up” with what he’s doing. He is given to innovation - takes notice of new ideas and theories and aims to find them a practical application. Active and restless, often interested in travel and active types of sport: hiking, climbing, running. Loves nature, endows it with a special meaning. Always know what his is aiming for and explains this goal to those around him. He boldly experiments, disproving ordinary notions. Not afraid to take risks, relying on his intuitive foresight to orient in various situations. Often he is endowed with a rich imagination and is able to come up with the most unusual ideas. Distinguished by having intellectual interests in various fields. A good inventor, experimenter, and technician. Seeks to act in advance, because he knows that tomorrow will be too late. Optimistic, possesses a good sense of humor. His jokes, however, are not always appropriate. Experiences problems with reliability of human relations. Because of his lack of discernment in making contacts, he can be pulled into questionable ventures. Restless, talks a lot without paying attention to lack of time. Does not assign much importance to order and comfort around him. Nature usually endows him with health and stamina, which he is committed to support by various methods. He does not tolerate idle pastime, due to which he cannot relax even during vacations. He is not very much worried about the outer appearance, if only his plans and goals do not suffer.

ESI by Gulenko

ESI is principled and self-sustained. Externally tends to look balanced and unemotional. Provides moral evaluations of actions of a person, but usually voices them only within a familiar circle. Has a good sense for potential foes and ill-wishers, sharply dividing people into “his own” and “others”. Does not recognize friendship and love if they are unrequited and the feelings aren’t mutual. Lives by his present day problems rarely thinking too far ahead. Feels unsure when he takes on unfamiliar to him assignments. The closer the expected event draws, the more agitated and mobilized the ESI becomes. Dislikes being in situations of uncertainty, when he cannot definitively say yes or no. Proactively and directly defends against attacks on himself and on those who are close to him. If he has decided to take revenge, he can find and deal a blow to the weakest spot of his opponent. Does not allow himself to be caught unawares. Sensitively reacts to being accused of unfairness and lack of objectivity. Needs to keep some physical distance, due to this dislikes spending a lot of time in physical proximity with others. Strangers and unfamiliar people in his house worry and irritate him. When making a decision ESI internally weights its seriousness and possible negative implications. Practical in his everyday life, can put anything to use that he finds in his territory. Keeps order and tidiness in his space. Changes habits with difficulty. Will not wait if promises are not backed up by concrete actions.

SEE by Gulenko

Confident, has aptitude for leadership. Enterprising, adventurous, and active, the SEE (ESFp) strives to take practical actions within the sphere of communications. Prefers to solve problems immediately, otherwise he may cool off due to his variable nature. Gives a lot of attention to external appearance, marks of prestige. Talks on topics of culture, politics, and influence. Open to new impressions and experiences. SEE enjoys being the center of attention and evoking admiration in others. Presents himself as a promising person of great potential and with many open possibilities. Stresses his own personal originality and uniqueness. Easy gives out compliments, says that which he knows others would like to hear. Knows how to make useful contacts and utilize them. In political games often masterfully maneuvers between his contacts on the opposing sides. Reconciles with people just as easily as he quarrels with them. During down time likes to lament, to complain that he is not understood. In situations when he is well-informed, he will cite different quotes and facts by this demonstrating his erudition. Poorly discerns what needs to be done now and what can be postponed until later. Doesn’t explain the reasons for his actions. Often makes off-topic comments. Cannot keep up order himself, and will violently protest if he is being subjected to any strict order or regulations. When he needs information, prefers to interact and deal with people face-to-face rather than read manuals and instructions.

ILI by Gulenko

Has a good eye for noticing contradictions and omissions in actions and words. Skeptical about the prospects of hasty initiatives. Can provide a characteristic for someone, predict his main reactions. Patiently leads a person along towards taking the necessary step, preparing him or her in advance. Takes up only those tasks that ensure reliable returns. Thrifty with money. Does the job scrupulously, slowly, attentively examines details. Calculates everything in his mind. Tries to control the process. Able to capitalize on information that he or she has accumulated. Prudent in matters of comfort and health. Reckless methods and unfounded enthusiasm are not acceptable for the ILI. At home surrounds himself with familiar items. Often, he is a food gourmand. Observes cleanliness and standards of hygiene. He likes to discuss and argue on a variety of topics, but growing hot-tempered he can spoil the mood for himself and others. Poorly control his emotions: his states range from melancholic depression to outbreaks of discontentment and frustration. His problem lies in finding inner balance. Does not like when he is perturbed from a state of tranquility and relaxation.

LSE by Gulenko

The LSE (ESTj) is assertive, operative, and hard-working. Cannot sit still not being engaged in anything. Prefers actions to words. Has a developed sense of responsibility. Fights chaos and disorder wherever he might be. Dislikes it when he is being distracted from what he is doing. If taking a break, he does it as thoroughly as he does his work. Appreciates merit and good quality above everything else. Tries to provide for his loved ones by means of increasing their material prosperity. Very caring. Comes to rescue when someone is threatened by physical danger. In such a situation acts with courage and determination. Intolerant of trickery and wiles. Expresses his opinion directly. In business and practical dealings, he is dry and official, but in an informal atmosphere shows kindness and a sense of humor. Doesn’t have sufficient diplomacy in relations - may get agitated, lose his temper. A stubborn debater, becomes hot-tempered when proving his correctness. Doesn’t know how to make compliments. Dislikes empty chatter, though finds it difficult to cut off a phone conversation. Getting stuck in details of work, he sometimes doesn’t finish it in time, which is very upsetting for him. Unprepared for unexpected events. Slowly learns and accepts new trends, developments, and styles; often is conservative and supports traditions.

EII by Gulenko

Two of EII’s main distinguishing qualities are an interest in human values and a developed capacity for compassion. The EII tries to maintain stable, well-wishing, and friendly relations with others. She listens to people, alleviates their emotional stress, reconciles arguments while remaining objective. Readily helps those who turn to her for support. Prefers not to focus attention on her offenders and ill-wishers and accumulate ill memories. Although the EII is usually tolerant and accommodating, she won’t forgive betrayal and injustice. Negatively views any sort of coercion, counters it with stubbornness and patience. Good at seeing and bringing up omissions in new undertakings. Notices and uncovers human vices, but formulates her findings as general tactful statements. Prefers a quiet, stable, measured rhythm of life. Dislikes crowds, loud declarations. In performing her work, the EII is conscientious and meticulous, though she may be slow in operation. Demonstrates diligence, endurance, and discipline. She is able to make herself do more than what others expect of her. For implementation she often needs detailed instructions on how to do a particular job. The EII is emotionally keen and impressionable, and disapproves of insensitivity and harshness. She is unable to coerce and pressure others to do something, and dislikes showing this kind of assertiveness. However if she is pressured herself, she can deliver a sharp rebuke. At times, she is unsure of herself and loses initiative. Strongest form of her punishment is a complete disregard of the person. Others can take advantage of her because she finds it difficult to turn them down.

IEE by Gulenko

Insightful: keenly discerns the motives of other people. Gravitates towards the capable and the extraordinary personalities. Knows how to cheer up someone, how to instill hope. Advises on ways out of difficult life situations. Altruistic: for people towards whom he is sympathetic can do more than what was expected of him. Light and kind in communication. With his sincerity and warmth inspires trust. May become offended if he doesn’t obtain an emotional response. Seeks to manage the feelings of others. Mobilizes and becomes active in extreme situations. Provides resistance to and repels unjustified attacks. He is often unable to make himself do what is objectively needed. Poorly combines what he wishes for with the concurrent reality of the situation. First demonstrates initiative but then seeks people who will ensure implementation of his ideas without his participation. Becomes easily tired of the routine, thus frequently changes his hobbies and occupations. Doing meticulous, detailed work is not for him. For him, it is difficult to follow schedules and timetables. He doesn’t take well to strict discipline, has little respect the formal subordination.

SLI by Gulenko

Values convenience and quality. Gives preference to comfort in clothing rather than appearance. Sensitively reacts to touch and any extraneous odors. Enjoys quiet communion with nature. Caring in relation to family and friends. Prudent and economical. Inventive and resourceful at home and at work, if he happens to enjoy it. Skeptical of slogans and boisterous appeals, prefers to go by common sense. Stubborn and uncompromising in that which he considers to be correct. Though he is distrustful of new ideas, after testing them in practice is able to extract benefit from them. Independent. Proud, even haughty. In need of a sensitive approach, praise, and attention. Inclined towards skepticism. Poorly sees the future evolution of events. Concerned about making timely choices in life, yet feels dependent on the vicissitudes of fate. Impressionable, poorly controls his emotions during a dispute. Doesn’t know how to express his feelings openly. Life’s hardships make him resort to “black” humor. At times he is taken by pessimism and apathy; instead of encouraging a person, he becomes taken in by their negative state.

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