EVLF - "Ghazali"

Ghazali lives in the world of his own experiences, which he, however, does not impose on anyone. It cannot be said that EVLF are incapable of sincere sympathy, like the Andersens, but it should be noted that they strive to help with action, support, and do not like to listen to endless whining. Fruitless pity that does not help a person's development is not their sphere. Their emotions are usually unobtrusive, and even 3E do not feel pressure when communicating with them (although they can suffer from the lack of process). EVLF are very altruistic, react quickly to the problems of others, push them to take active actions, convince them that there is nothing to be afraid of and everything will work out. They have a heightened sense of guilt, which is why they perceive their need for rest as laziness and mercilessly force themselves to do the necessary things. They react similarly to their friends' attempts to shirk work with the arguments "I don't feel like it now", "I'm depressed", etc. For them, this is not a sufficient reason to stop in their pursuit of some goals. Also, the sense of guilt and increased responsibility of Ghazali leads to the fact that when working together, they do their part of the work as efficiently as possible, and then do a significant part of the work for others, wanting to help. EVLF are very inquisitive, new knowledge brings them joy, so they are genuine interested in a variety of areas of life, different fields of science. They can do work for free only because they are interested in understanding how an enterprise works, for example. Material values ​​​​are of little importance to them, since Ghazalis do not strive for sensual pleasures or to assert their status in society. They get by with a minimum of things and money, and they are quite happy with this. Ghazalis are conscientious people, and even among the Second Wills they are the most responsible. They are easy to rely on, they are irreplaceable where self-government is needed - because they are good organizers, and they are also pleasant and easy to communicate with. Personal relationships - friendly or romantic - are relationships between two equal partners, based on mutual assistance and common interests. EVLF do not chase African passions, and do not react well to attempts to fit them into some kind of hierarchy (at work, at university or school). For them, a teacher/employer/customer is an equal partner in business relations who needs their services/provides them with his services. Ghazalis are very democratic and internally free from the pressure of others, although not free from their own sense of responsibility.

EVFL - "Pasternak"

Representatives of the EVFL type are quite calm, although sociable, people. They can be called harmonious, since they are not inclined to invent unnecessary problems for themselves and suffer from invented complexes. Pasternak builds smooth relationships with people and does not like excessive drama. EVFL strives for aesthetically pleasing objects - both people and things. He is interested in talking about the appearance of people, the beauty of nature, and Pasternak especially likes to make the world a little better himself. Because of this, he may be interested in photography, design, decoration and decorating. Pasternak does not have great ambitions, but is still quite successful in his work, since he likes the process of achieving his goals, and he enjoys sometimes forcing himself to do what he is too lazy to do. For a representative of this type, it is important to arrange their home so that it meets all their requirements, which are many and which other people may consider petty. Convenience and comfort in everyday life are as important for EVFL as beauty and aesthetics. It can be said that Pasternak methodically creates and decorates with all sorts of details of his own world, full of romance and a sense of beauty. This applies to the material world, and the circle of acquaintances, and family, and work. The harmony of EVFL is manifested in all spheres of his life. Pasternaks love heart-to-heart talk, they love to laugh and gossip. But they are not very interested in global topics, as they have no relation to their own lives. EVFLs are usually considered good people, but they tend to tease others and behave a little intrusively. To summarize, we can say that EVFL is in all respects a “correct” and “positive” person who loves the beauty around him most of all and does not like to fill his head with unnecessary information.

ELVF - "Andersen"

There is a stereotype in the socionics community that emotional people, whose attention is focused on their own desires, who are capable of arguing about something for a long time and not noticing their body and their feelings, belong to the “Hamlet” type. But in most cases, these people are simply representatives of the “Andersen” psychosophical type . Andersens are romantics. They live in the world of their experiences, emotions and feelings. The strong point of this aspect of this type is the deep sensitivity with which they perceive the events happening to them. Andersens can talk for a long time about everything around them: about singing birds, airplanes flying by, about their feelings, about their attitude to people and the world in general. Having talked to such a person, if, of course, you treat him with trust, you can immediately understand what mood he is in: a smile on his face - happy, sad eyes - upset. Andersen does not know how to explain to others that his wishes are not taken into account, so he turns on his most powerful weapon - emotions. If ELVF raises his voice, it does not mean that he wants to offend you - he is simply drawing attention to his problem. Naturally, in his quadra such behavior is considered normal: you will be understood, they will be sad with you, they will feed you and talk about your problem. It is another matter when Andersen gets into the company of types from other quadras, his bright expression can be perceived as an unwillingness to adapt, egocentrism and narcissism. However, the bad side of ELVF is that he often simply does not notice that other people also have feelings and desires. It is very difficult for Andersen to understand what he really wants. It is one thing when it is difficult for others to convey what you want, and another when you yourself do not know your desires. ELVF can hesitate between two options for days, and in the end choose neither. For example, where to go, what to buy, what to do. And in a more global sense, these concerns issues of self-identification. It is precisely because of this combination of personal qualities (excessive attention to his emotions and difficulty in making choices) that Andersen can spend his whole life searching for himself, but never find it. The strongest side of this type is the ability to speak, speak complexly and convincingly, to be confident in his knowledge and judgments. ELVF is an erudite type, he has no equal in disputes, especially if it concerns his interests. Another thing is that he must be sure what exactly is his interest and what is worth fighting for. Another characteristic of ELVF is their complete ignorance of the material world. This type simply lacks the energy for physical interaction, such as playing sports, cooking, or buying clothes. Especially if they have to make a choice: what to do, what to cook, or what to buy. It is very difficult for Andersen to understand what he likes and what his tastes are. He is focused on having everything done for him, but in such a way that he does not think that his wishes are not taken into account. And then there is this fixation on his emotions. For example, at his birthday party, he may shout: “What? Why did you give me this? I didn't want this! I don't know what I want, but I know for sure that I don't want this!” Often, any decision made by Andersen ends in its non-acceptance. Therefore, if it concerns the material plane, one can suspect this type in a person by, for example, his unkempt appearance or last year's clothes. A kind of emotionally agitated, intellectual and eternally introspective person, a homeless person. All that remains is to "understand and forgive."

ELFV - "Russo"

Russo is one of the most romantic and dreamy psychosophical types. Representatives of this type live in their own magical world, which is much more beautiful than harsh reality. Because of this, they are very vulnerable and need constant protection. ELFV is a very impractical type, and they need a person nearby who would help them realize their fantasies in real life. If this does not happen, Russo withdraws into himself and becomes like a bird whose wings were clipped. Assol, the heroine of the famous story by Alexander Green “Scarlet Sails”, is a good example of the life strategy that ELFV choose. Representatives of this type are sensitive, but their emotionality is not bright and assertive, but subtle and requires careful handling. Of course, if Russo is in a bad mood, they can yell at the people around them, and in general they are inclined to often raise their voice, like all 1E. However, you do not feel emotional pressure from them, only a deep impression of the events that are happening. They are vulnerable, but quickly recover from a bad mood, because they do not like to be sad for a long time - they just get tired of it. If Russo often encounters disappointments, over time he becomes down-to-earth and cynical, and he himself suffers from this, because he feels that he has gone far from his true essence. ELFV likes to look at things from an unexpected angle and share his thoughts with people around him. He admires smart people, believes that intelligence and awareness are the most important qualities for a person. Sometimes he withdraws into himself if he is overwhelmed by negative emotions, but in general he is very talkative and cheerful. It can be said about Russo that he feels good both alone and in the company of other people, since he will always find something to talk about, and if he wants, he can easily isolate himself emotionally from others. Representatives of this type do not like stupidity, passivity and complaints about life, and if they encounter such manifestations in people, they are subject to harsh criticism. Despite his dreaminess, ELFV is good at solving everyday problems and is distinguished by high vitality. He likes to move a lot, draw or make something, travel. As a rule, Russo loves nature very much, he enjoys spending time outdoors. He treats animals and plants with respect. There are many vegetarians among ELFV. But violence or even thoughts about it cause a painful reaction in Russo. Hobbies and interests of representatives of this type are usually peaceful and creative. ELFV believes that you can fulfill any of your dreams if you really want it. He expects help from the world in achieving his goals, in the form of the right people or favorable circumstances. Often, Russo does not burden himself with routine work that is necessary to fulfill his desires, since he is very difficult to motivate - both external and internal. And this is despite the fact that in the presence of an objective need (for example, when you need to go to work), ELFV is capable of showing miracles of self-discipline. This type needs to learn to follow his desires, listen to them constantly, even in small things. Otherwise, there is a high chance that Russo will spend his whole life in an unloved job, finding small joys in it and dreaming of a bright future. To summarize, we can say that ELFV is a subtle, dreamy, bright, kind, but vulnerable and go-with-the-flow person.

EFVL - "Pushkin"

Representatives of the EFVL type attract attention with their emotionality and expressiveness. They are not prone to embarrassment. Pushkins are quite indifferent to other people's opinions and behave as they want, which causes a strong reaction in society. It is difficult for people to treat them neutrally - EFVLs cause either indignation or admiration (sometimes both at the same time). Despite their apparent sensitivity, Pushkins can be quite indifferent and challenging to other people's experiences. , representatives of the EFVL type are active, in good physical shape, typically play sports or dance, and move a lot. They like to give advice to others about their appearance and lifestyle. At the same time, they can be sarcastic and intolerant of people who, in their opinion, do not take care of themselves or dress tastelessly. In general, they have a difficult character and are prone to conflicts. Pushkins are quite touchy when their pride is hurt, especially in company. But they are not vindictive and quickly cool down - due to their susceptibility to mood. Their feelings are bright, quickly flare up and fade away. Pushkins are ambitious and active, they are capable of much when they are fired up by some goal. Their desire to demonstrate their successes to other people, to prove what they are capable of, plays a significant role in this. These people find intellectual activity difficult. Mental strain requires a certain amount of effort on their part and does not bring them pleasure, so they do not seek to explain their conclusions unless someone insistently demands it. They believe that an intelligent person should be laconic and be able to express their thoughts concisely. They are drawn to such people, considering them the most adequate and have an unconditional trust in them. They do not like discussions, need reliable knowledge that can have practical application, and prefer to receive and assimilate it alone. To sum it up, Pushkin is a bright, active, hot-tempered, stubborn person who does not like excessive chatter and in his judgments is guided by his own logic, which is not always clear from the outside.

EFLV - "Bukharin"

Representatives of the EFLV type are cheerful and positive people. They love life in all its manifestations. Bukharin's emotions are clearly manifested in his facial expressions, intonations, behavior, creating for him the image of a spontaneous and trusting child, open to the world. Bukharin has a radiant look and, as a rule, a ringing voice. EFLV is very interested in the people around him and in the world in general. He likes to learn new things. The process of learning is something that invariably attracts Bukharin and is valued by him. This type often has doubts about his intellect, despite the fact that he can do and knows a lot, and often makes interesting, unconventional conclusions. At the same time, EFLV tends to extol other smart people, admire them without a drop of envy. Envy, vindictiveness and secrecy are generally not characteristic of this psychosophical type. This is a very sincere person, and if he does not like something, he will say it directly and loudly. In addition, Bukharin admires beauty in all its manifestations. He likes beautiful people, natural places, buildings, things. EFLV is always ready to compliment another person's appearance and style to make him feel good. Representatives of this type also try to take care of their appearance to look good in their own eyes. Their taste does not always coincide with the generally accepted, but this does not bother them. EFLV are active, often inclined to lead a healthy lifestyle. This helps them feel good and have a lot of energy for everyday activities. Bukharin cannot be called a soft person, since it is difficult for him to control his emotions and adapt to other people. Despite this, this type is one of the most non-conflict, since he always sees the best sides in people. Because of this, he is not interested in arguing with someone; it is much better to discuss something in a friendly atmosphere. Other people also find it difficult to be offended or angry with Bukharin, because he behaves very nicely and spontaneously. EFLV has no need to prove his “coolness” to the world or fight for a place in society. He does what interests him personally and cannot imagine his life any other way. At the same time, Bukharin wants his loved ones to share his passions with him, as this motivates EFLV not to give up what he has started and to achieve great success. To summarize, we can say that representatives of the Bukharin type are life-loving, open, and inquisitive. They are not at all inclined to extol themselves and belittle others, to show meanness and envy. But they openly express their sympathy and admiration, which invariably disposes people around them to them.

VELF - "Akhmatova"

For representatives of the VELF type, attracting attention to their person is as natural as breathing. These people have a bright charisma and the ability to remain themselves and not adapt to anyone in any situation. Akhmatovas are extremely stubborn, it is almost impossible to convince them to do something they did not intend to do, or, conversely, to abandon their plans. Their enthusiasm is infectious, so it is easy for VELF to lead people. This type never doubts their right to power, does not ask themselves, “Am I worthy of the place I am in?” Akhmatova is one of the most fruitful types in art, if she writes poetry , she does it constantly, so to speak, "not a day without a line." If she is a musician , she constantly creates new songs and music, combining a large number of musical instruments and using unexpected means of expression. In art, the Akhmatovas are like a fish in water, here they do not feel the slightest embarrassment. This type is also not indifferent to the problems of others, is imbued with them and will not calm down until he helps to solve them. This moment attracts people to them, makes them want to communicate more and be friends, but it is impossible to get Akhmatova for your undivided use, since these people devote themselves to too global tasks: they help and sympathize with the whole world, and not just you. At the same time, the Akhmatovs value those people who can understand them, penetrate their deepest motivations and complement the images of the world they have created. They love to talk about themselves as much as about others, and this story will undoubtedly be fascinating and emotionally charged. They are also attracted to mysterious, secretive people, those in whom internal discord is visible. They want to help and liberate, sometimes even in cases when the person himself does not need it. Akhmatovas have an inexhaustible thirst for knowledge, love to be in the company of intellectuals and are fascinated by beautiful logical constructions. They adore discussions. Their attitude to science is dominated by enthusiastic pathos. Those areas of knowledge that are easy for representatives of this type are not valued by them; they strive to master something complex in order to overcome themselves. For example, a VELF with a clear predisposition to art and literature, fluent in foreign languages, an excellent speaker, may strive to learn the exact sciences, thoroughly understand them and achieve success in this field. Akhmatovas, despite their indifference to the material world, often create their “own style,” which is generally an absurd combination of things, but is perceived by others as something original and valuable due to the self-confidence and imperturbability of representatives of this type . Their stubbornness can also manifest itself in the sphere of appearance: for example, Akhmatova can go on a hiking trip in a long skirt and heels, so as not to change her style.

VEFL - "Tolstoy"

A representative of the VEFL type is a person who successfully expresses himself in dancing, design, professions related to image and style, as well as in romantic relationships. Even being introverts by temperament, Tolstoys strive to express themselves in society, flirt, and start exciting romantic relationships. They are quite successful in this, since VEFLs are self-confident and charismatic people. This is a truly “star” type, both in a good and a bad sense. On the one hand, it is easy for him to take on a leadership role, to be the life of the party, he feels great when all eyes are on him. On the other hand, he can give the impression of unattainable perfection, a person who looks down on everyone. Tolstoy is usually an ambitious person, sets grandiose goals for himself and does not like to discuss them with anyone. When making decisions, VEFL do not take into account the opinions of others, so they can be considered selfish. They are very independent and self-sufficient. But it is these qualities that attract others to them, cause admiration and a desire to imitate. Tolstoy is a very pleasant type to talk to, especially if he wants to win over his interlocutor. He is easy, unobtrusive, does not put pressure on emotionally and at the same time is very insightful, subtly senses someone else's mood and knows how to influence it. However, if necessary, VEFL can no less subtly express his contempt to a person and cause embarrassment. The main thing is that he always controls this process himself, it is impossible to take him by surprise and put him in an awkward position. This type is simply made for social life. Striving for perfection, Tolstoy very carefully monitors his appearance. These are well-groomed, neat people who do not miss a single detail. They are no less serious about the quality of the food they consume, as well as their living conditions - comfort, cleanliness, the quality of things around them. In close relationships, VEFLs are affectionate, love tactile contact, but at the same time they are capricious, they need to be given assessments and advice from the outside, but delicately, so as not to offend. They themselves are very careful not to violate other people's physical boundaries, and they expect the same from other people. Fat people do not like people who prove something to them, persistently convince them of something - this makes them distrustful. They do not really like to think about abstract topics and even more so, argue about what is already clear. They can tell a person "how it really is", but will not respond to counter arguments and quickly lose interest in the conversation. In disputes, they often resort to emotional influence - ridicule of the interlocutor, condescending intonations, and the like. To sum it up, VEFL is a charming, easy-to-like person, who, however, at a distance seems unapproachable and even arrogant. He has very good self-control, easily evokes the feelings he needs in people. This perception of him by those around him is due not least to the fact that Tolstoy always strives to look impeccable and attractive. VEFL is also a rather down-to-earth person who does not like to go into abstract thoughts and talk about things that are insignificant to life.

VLEF - "Socrates"

Of all the First Will types, Socrates is the most gentle and docile in appearance. His determination and inner core are not obvious. These people are lovers, although they usually have a small number of devoted followers who admire them. However, the First Will always leads people by their confidence, even without setting such a goal. The isolation of VLEF is associated with problems in emotional self-expression. Because of them, Socrates is not inclined to appreciate the emotionality of other people. This type is characterized by evaluating people in terms of their volitional qualities and intellect, so a person who is charismatic and pleasant, but stupid, will only irritate Socrates. The democracy of the Second Logic is not clearly manifested in Socrates. In most cases, he considers his opinion to be the only correct one and strives to open the eyes of others to the "truth". But this does not prevent him from processing according to Logic. The expression "to make think" is very suitable for VLEF. He strives to awaken thought and intellectual abilities in each person, which is why the teaching profession is very suitable for this type. VLEF is interested in the physical world insofar as it affects his ability to achieve goals and intellectual activity. He is inclined to choose a lifestyle that maintains clarity and tone of mind, and also adds energy for important matters. To achieve this, Socrates can play sports, follow a regimen, give up addictions, etc.

VLFE - "Lenin"

A representative of the VLFE type is an active, energetic person. Self-organization for the sake of achieving goals and daily self-discipline are not a problem for him - on the contrary, they bring pleasure and a feeling of tone. From the outside, Lenin looks like a self-confident and decisive person who does not like to put things off for too long. His assertiveness and ambition can both attract and delight people, and repell them, especially at close range. It is not easy to keep up with such a person, and a state of pleasant relaxation is not a threat next to him. VLFE is a sober-minded person. He is confident in his conclusions, and it is very difficult to convince him otherwise. But Lenin himself is always ready to explain and argue his point of view, to enter into a discussion or even a heated argument. He is interested in studying new information, especially if it can be viewed from different angles - to study different points of view and draw his own conclusions. At the same time, representatives of this type are not quite confident in themselves when it comes to self-expression in the material world. They doubt that they understand their needs correctly, correctly assess their appearance, and often suffer from complexes in this area. To compensate for their discomfort, VLFEs can behave aggressively and assertively - violate someone else's personal space, exhaust themselves with diets and sports, clean their apartment until it shines, reproach other people if they do not maintain the order they believe is due. There are also such anecdotal cases when Lenin comes to visit and, unable to ignore the disorder and dirt, begins to clean someone else's home. This type is not characterized by sentimentality. He is able to remain cool in the most difficult circumstances and not give in to emotions. Lenin shows his love and friendship not in heartfelt conversations and confessions, but in actions. Close people can count on his patronage and support in a difficult situation. In return, they will have to put up with his stubbornness and uncompromising nature. Thus, VLFE is an energetic, persistent person. He strives for self-expression in the material world, but complexes fetter him and make him behave unnaturally, too assertively. Lenin's advantages also include persuasiveness in discussions and the ability not to get lost in critical situations.

VFEL - "Tvardovsky"

A representative of the VFEL type is a person with a complex character. High activity, a desire for social interactions are combined with secrecy and alienation from others. Tvardovsky strives for self-affirmation, if this type is set on fire by some goal, desire - it is very difficult to stop him. He does not see obstacles in his path, and this helps him achieve his goal. However, if objective circumstances do not allow him to realize his ambitions, then VFEL reacts very painfully, becomes gloomy, withdraws into himself for a long time. In such a state, it is very difficult to influence him, calm him down, motivate him. Representatives of this type practically do not need the support of loved ones, their goals are their own business. They also ignore criticism - at best, at worst - they react with anger and irritation. Tvardovskys are active people who find it difficult to sit in one place for a long time. Their hobbies are usually related to physical activity. This type can be into sports, martial arts, doing something with their hands. In conflicts, they tend to show physical aggression more than other types. Representatives of this psychosophical type are attentive to their appearance, some of them like various body modifications and can go too far in bodybuilding or, for example, plastic surgery. Others, on the contrary, put comfort first and dress very simply, but neatly. In any case, assessments from others do not affect them much, everything they do with their body is the result of their own desire, and not complexes and insecurity. This type finds it difficult to express their feelings freely. Often, Tvardovsky's desire to control their emotions, coupled with a thirst for self-expression, forms strange, uneven, unnatural behavior. This can be, for example, constrained laughter, abrupt changes in facial expressions, chaotic, as if not fully controlled gestures. VFEL reveals itself best among close people who know him well and with whom you do not need to think about how you look from the outside. Then he flirts relaxedly, sincerely has fun, and just as sincerely gets angry or offended. Flirting is a whole separate topic for Tvardovsky. They really love romance, understatement and hints, playful behavior, coquetry, but they themselves are not very good at this - rather, they expect all this from a partner. It is easier for them to express their feelings physically - in the form of touches, treats, gifts. VFEL can cook a complicated exotic dish to please his girlfriend or boyfriend, but at the same time be embarrassed to directly talk about feelings. In a long-term relationship, this is smoothed out. This type does not like to reason much. If he has come to some conclusion, then most likely it will last for a long time. It is very difficult to convince him with the help of logical arguments, partly because Tvardovsky himself does not see the point in convincing - after all, it seems to him that his opinion on most issues does not affect anything. Whether he thinks this way or that, what difference does it make? This, along with his other traits, adds stubbornness and isolation. It is virtually impossible to prove to VFEL that their goals and desires are unreasonable or unattainable. The only thing that can influence their intentions is a personal attitude towards a person (for example, falling in love). In this state, they strive to fulfill any whim of a loved one and create a fairy tale for him. But only until they see a response, until their feelings are hurt by indifference or rejection. Usually, representatives of this type are very jealous and dangerous in anger. Tvardovsky has a persistent, dominant character, and is in great need of ease, soft relaxation, which Thus only other people can give. This type does not feel well alone, it is difficult for him to cope with negative emotions. Only contact with others helps him to direct his seeing energy in the right direction. Therefore, this type needs to develop, first of all, social skills. This will harmonize his entire personality and allow him to take his characteristic role of a leader. It will also lead to a more effective achievement of his goals.

VFLE - "Napoleon"

The VFLE type representative is a very self-sufficient person. He is ironic about himself and others, but this is not easy to see at a glance. On the contrary, due to his restraint and determination, Napoleon may seem too serious. VFLE always moves in his own way, without much regard for society. The realization of his aspirations is primary for him, and he does not feel guilty if his desires contradict others. At the same time, this person is very responsible and can be relied upon if he has taken you under his wing. At the same time, Napoleon's loved ones will have to come to terms with the fact that he knows what is best for them and does not accept any compromises. Regardless of their professional activity, people with this type pay a lot of attention to physical activity and improving their bodies. Sometimes it becomes their job, and then Napoleons become the most talented physical coaches, athletes, education teachers, who can inspire others to work on themselves. VFLE believe that it is impossible to be a harmonious person and enjoy life without satisfying the body's need for movement. It is important for them that the people around them are neat, clean, and take care of their appearance. Napoleon is a thoughtful person, he likes to listen to other people's reasoning and draw his own conclusions based on it. He likes people who explain their point of view and are able to involve him in a discussion, since he himself is in no hurry to prove that he is right. He can watch heated debates with interest from the sidelines, but he sees no point in interfering in them. On the other hand, he is always ready to change his opinion if he understands that it is wrong. At the same time, Napoleon does not feel wrong, but only pays attention to the fact that his picture of the world has become more objective. Quite often, this type is imbued with ideas that seem far-fetched and strange from the position of others (for example, pseudoscientific theories). He likes their logical consistency, even if they are unprovable. VFLE controls his emotions well, it cannot be said that he is subject to his feelings. It is difficult to imagine him in hysterics or losing his head from passion. At the same time, Napoleon himself is interested in emotional people, no experiences of other people frighten him and do not cause him to condemn. The owner of this type has certain acting data, which he can use to achieve his goals, but “playing for the sake of playing” is not about him. Thus, VFLE is a calm, independent, physically active person. He does not like to adapt to other people and decides for himself what to do. He has leadership qualities and confidence in his goals.

LEVF - "Pascal"

A representative of the LEVF type is confident in his opinion. With his presentation, he often gives the impression of an intelligent person. 1L presents knowledge as an objective truth that is beyond doubt. This happens unintentionally. LEVF really believes that he cannot be wrong and describes everything extremely objectively. This is related to their attitude to discussions: "Why discuss? I have already explained everything." LEVF either "knows for sure" or does not yet have a point of view. In his right mind, Pascal will not get involved in something he does not understand and will trust the experts. The Third Will is, on the one hand, a constant desire for action. Achieving Pascal's goals very often affects other people: to be the best, to lead a team, to prove one's importance. Due to the combination of 3B with the Second Emotion, LEVF tries to present himself in the best light, to create the right image. In this regard, many Pascals feel good in art and show business. On the other hand, 3B is a source of self-doubt. Unfulfilled ambitions may be hidden behind the image of a bright and intelligent person. When there is nothing to strive for or the current goal seems unrealistic, Pascal suffers from internal contradictions. LEVF considers it unacceptable to lower the bar that society or he himself has set. The Second Emotion is open to other people's experiences. LEVF likes to play to the crowd, "fire up" his audience, create an atmosphere. Even if it seems that Pascal ignores someone's feelings, in fact, he sees everything, he just tries to evoke certain experiences in the object with his "coldness". But, as a rule, LEVF is not interested in such tactics. It is much better to be in the center of attention, and he does it well. Like other 2E, it is important for Pascal to receive a return. He likes sensitive interlocutors, digging into their "balls" of emotions. Pascal has many goals, feelings and needs to form his own opinion. There is simply not enough attention for the "earthly". Like other Fourth Physicists, LEVF is unpretentious. Pascal thinks little about his own comfort, but will be glad if someone else provides comfort. This type can change his eating habits quite easily. The main thing is to have someone to "take an example from". When such a person is present, Pascal feels more alive. But there is a nuance: LEVF, although compliant, needs plans to be agreed upon. He can "rebel" if he feels that his desires are being ignored. Pascal can be both a deliberately dramatic and a bright person. It is important for him to achieve something, to occupy a certain place, for example, in his team. On important issues, LEVF has an almost unshakable opinion, and this confidence impresses many people. Sometimes Pascal forgets about his needs, so he can underestimate "earthly" pleasures.

LEFV - "Augustin"

A representative of the LEFV type creates the impression of a soft person, but “with character”. Although Augustine is generally not inclined to stir up conflicts, treats other people easily and does not see a problem in giving in, he also likes to be ironic, and sometimes mercilessly ridicule others. This is done as if in jest, and if the interlocutor is offended, he will also get it for taking everything too seriously. LEFVs are charming and attract people to themselves, and this happens by itself. It cannot be said that Augustine goes out of his way to become the life of the party. Being the center of attention is as natural for him as breathing. A representative of this type is responsive to people, always ready to show interest or support with meaningless words - it is not difficult for him, and it is pleasant for the person. Because of this, people are drawn to Augustine, as if he were spreading sunlight around himself. Alas, thanks to his manner of communication, people often see friendship or romantic interest where there is only superficial sympathy, which can lead to unpleasant situations. As a rule, LEFV looks attractive and well-groomed, which inspires even more affection. However, he himself constantly doubts his beauty. Representatives of this type are terribly embarrassed by even small defects in their appearance. For example, Augustine girls may not go out in public without makeup, and share revelations like: “Can you imagine, he saw me without makeup and stayed with me ... now that's real intimacy!” Or, having a slender figure, they are constantly on diets. Also, many LEFV will never publish their photos without editing. And so on. Of course, such an obsession with their appearance brings its fruits in the form of admiration from others, but Augustines themselves are never completely confident in themselves and cannot feel relaxed. Every second they remember that they are being assessed, at the same time they crave this assessment and are afraid of it. Augustines are grateful recipients of compliments, even if you compliment their new hairdo “for show”, they will take it seriously: “Really? Do you really think so?” LEFV does not look like an ambitious person, striving with all his might for success and achieving his goals at any cost. And this is understandable, because many goals are achieved by them without any effort, thanks to the ability to win people over. People around them love them and are always ready to help. By compromising on small things, Augustines receive incomparably more as a result. However, representatives of this type are attracted not by the alluring “beautiful far away”, but by a pleasant, rich life here and now. They are fond of various types of art, communication and building relationships with people, often leading an active lifestyle. They have many talents, although they do not always have enough persistence to develop them. Intelligence is not a quality that is immediately obvious when communicating with Augustines. However, they consider themselves smart people and prefer interlocutors with whom they can communicate on equal terms. It is difficult to convince representatives of this type, but it is very interesting to listen to their conclusions. At the same time, LEFV expect from you not a discussion, but an emotional reaction to their words. For the sake of it, they are ready to express unusual, provocative judgments. Augustines rarely connect their lives with science, but they can realize themselves well in the field of education, since almost all of them love children and easily find a common language with them. In general, LEFV can be described as a person with a soft charm and a winning personality. His “Achilles heel” is his endless doubts about his beauty and external attractiveness, as well as a weakness for compliments. LEFV is a calm, easy-going, unhurried type. He is always in the center of events, making almost no effort to do so.

LVEF - "Einstein"

The First Logic does not form an opinion about everything. If the LVEF considers itself insufficiently competent in something , it will say so. If it does speak out, it will try to emphasize as much as possible that these are only assumptions or inaccurate information, because the 1L's own opinion "cannot be wrong." If it can, it is only because the 1L did not have sufficient knowledge and understanding of it. In any case, this is what the 1L thinks. If there is an opinion, it will be presented briefly and precisely. The Third Emotion somewhat constrains 1L: it is one thing to express your opinion to people, and another to listen to their reaction. And after several unsuccessful statements, the question arises: is it worth voicing your opinion at all? LVEF can always create a position, and emotional comfort for this type is a painstaking and nuanced matter, some kind of hard-to-reach resource. Therefore, many representatives of this type, for example, in an unfamiliar company, prefer to remain silent. The vulnerability and touchiness of 3E is reinforced by the categorical nature of 1L. Einstein may be confused in expressing his feelings, but if you point this out to him, he may perceive it as a reproach for stupidity or ignorance, so the answer may be appropriate for the first function. The Second Will helps somewhat not to completely close in on oneself. No matter how upset or angry Einstein is, he needs interaction, to persuade someone, to discuss plans and, most importantly, to feel a return. Having become carried away by the process according to Will, this type can forget about some inconveniences according to Emotion. But sooner or later in communication the need for emotional support will still emerge and, previously active and proactive, Einstein will move to a waiting position. If this support is not there, LVEF can cut short this relationship, explaining the emotional discomfort (E) by the partner's lack of desire to eliminate it (V). A similar principle can work in disputes: "He does not accept my position not because it is not reasoned enough (L), but because he is stubborn and does not want to give in (V)." The Fourth Physics, like any other four, is the most indifferent and passive in the type. Einstein may recognize the need, for example, to play sports, but it is difficult for him to deal with Physics issues on his own. And if only the passivity of 4F prevents him from doing it alone, then discomfort emotional (3E) may prevent him from doing it with someone. Actions in such a situation depend on the LVEF itself and its environment. Alternatively, it can try to draw someone along with it, so that during the process by Will it will stop being shy. In general, Einstein is quite sociable, albeit shy, a PY type. He is careful in his expressions, but if he says something, it means "so it is". He is inclined to democratically manage a small team and avoid disputes as much as possible.

LVFE - "Lao Tzu"

Lao Tzu often gives the impression of a calm and unperturbed person. He is cool in communication, it is difficult to wait for sympathy from him, although LVFE will try to find several ways to solve your problem. This type, despite his introversion, likes to influence other people and be in the thick of things. Lao Tzu often has great authority in his circle of friends. LVFE tolerates scandals and strong emotions around him well. He likes bright and expressive people who are not shy about their feelings. Lao also likes to establish connections with professional people in different fields, because he believes that he cannot figure everything out on his own, and in some matters it is better to turn to a specialist. At the same time, he often puts a lot of effort into supporting beginners in some business or profession, and these people later bring him benefit. Thus, during his life, Lao acquires useful connections. People who disappoint them are mercilessly crossed out of life, because they lose interest in them. LVFE have stable habits in everyday life and food preferences and react very painfully if someone imposes theirs on them. They like to show generosity towards other people if they have the opportunity to do so. They are quite efficient and active, they encourage other people to be active. They often have a formed idea of ​​​​the world, which, however, they do not impose on anyone, recognizing that other people may think differently. They believe that a worldview should serve a person and make his life better, so there is no need to argue about it.

LFEV - "Berthier"

The representative of the LFEV type is a person who is not very expressive at a distance, but is very pleasant to talk to. This type manages to be romantic and down-to-earth at the same time, and in such a way that these qualities do not conflict with each other. Like other types from the fourth tetrad, he is most fascinated by people and communication with them, but this does not mean that this type is an extrovert. On the contrary, from afar he seems secretive and mysterious. He is characterized by a slight melancholy, and his worldview, as a rule, is colored in minor shades. He may seem outwardly unapproachable, but at the same time he shows surprising gentleness with close people. Unlike 2B, whose gentleness is superficial, only external (and inside there is a steel core), this type, on the contrary, from afar seems more stubborn than he actually is. This is due to the fact that Bertier has an uncompromising opinion on many issues, and it is quite difficult to convince him, given that he does not want to discuss his worldview at all. At the same time, he cannot be called an inquisitive person. On the contrary, LFEV strives to avoid unnecessary information, unnecessary points of view that people around him are trying to impose on him. Such conversations cause him an unbearable feeling of boredom. Although Bertier is not averse to studying in detail the issues that are valuable to him, it is better to do this independently and without unnecessary discussions. The interests of LFEV are mainly connected with communication, relationships with people. This type likes emotional and physical interaction – flirting, touching, caring, heart-to-heart talks. When alone, he feels unhappy, quickly becomes gloomy and loses motivation to do anything. Love and relationships, on the contrary, inspire him to lead an active social life, engage in creativity, and improve himself. LFEV can achieve success in creative fields of activity, such as music, dance, style and fashion and other activities where work with images is intertwined with attention to the body, appearance, details of the material world. However, much depends on how well the circumstances develop, since it is difficult for this type to be purposeful and “break through walls” on the way to his dream. Rather, he will prefer roundabout ways, will go with the flow, only slightly adjusting the situation. His weak point is laziness: this type finds it difficult to discipline himself at least a little, because of which he can miss many opportunities to improve his life. If you were to describe Berthier in a few words, he is a gentle and reserved person. He is an interesting combination of seemingly incompatible qualities, such as secrecy and emotionality, practicality and romanticism, self-sufficiency and susceptibility to influence, thirst for communication and alienation.

LFVE - "Plato"

As can be understood from the model of this type, Plato is a person for whom it is natural to have his own definite opinion about everything. He does not want to prove it to someone or revise it because of someone else's disagreement, because he is not only confident in his intellect, but also indifferent to other people's opinions. He is interested in slowly sorting out new information, creating a holistic picture of the world for himself. As a rule, this type believes that he is much smarter than the people around him, and can use his mind for self-affirmation. LFVE explains his thoughts simply and clearly, does not like to enter into discussions, it does not matter to him whether you agree with him or not. Plato is active, has good physical shape and disdains those who are not as active or, in his opinion, do not take care of themselves enough. He evaluates his physical strength as a reliable tool for influencing people, does not consider it shameful to use physical force, even if he does not outwardly demonstrate aggression, this sooner or later comes up in relationships. His mood is highly dependent on the satisfaction of physical needs, on whether he has slept well, is hungry or eaten. LFVE can limit himself and lead an almost ascetic lifestyle if circumstances force him to (for example, poverty), but basic needs must always be satisfied. Plato is very prone to envy. His self-esteem is fragile and dynamically changing, even the slightest failures or someone else's successes can deprive him of motivation for further actions. LFVE is very ambitious and does not imagine the life of a "little man". Status and recognition are important to him. He tries to be decisive, but fluctuations in motivation lead to the fact that Plato may not do what he planned and not fulfill the promises he made. LFVE is often ruthless to other people. He feels almost no affection, easily breaks off relationships (with rare exceptions). He is not predisposed to empathy and compassion. He can portray emotional interaction if he needs it for some purposes, but it will be shallow and formulaic, it is easy to reveal his insincerity in this case. To sum up, we can conclude that “Plato” is an intelligent (1L), active (2F), vain (3B) and indifferent to experiences (4E) PY type.

FEVL - "Dumas"

Thanks to the First Physics, the FEVL type representative is self-sufficient in his needs. He loves life, knows how to enjoy food, a comfortable chair, beautiful clothes and other joys of life. To some extent, this is a lazy type who is ready to live in a clean house and in a complete mess: the main thing is that Dumas is satisfied with it. Self-sufficiency of 1F is manifested not only in the attitude to needs, but also in the view of himself. Thus, FEVL considers himself beautiful or ugly regardless of public opinion, fashion or anything else. In comparison with other first physicists, this type can display more possessive traits, perceiving such behavior on his part as the norm, or even not paying attention to it at all. The Third Will stirs up Dumas. 3B wants a lot and constantly thinks about it, which makes Dumas an ambitious type. He likes to discuss his plans with others, get help in choosing or support in a decision already made. At the same time, he can quickly give up if he encounters any difficulties. Public opinion also cannot help but affect his self-esteem, which goes well with 2E's ability to play on emotions and attract attention. Comparing his and others' achievements, sometimes FEVL is faced with the fact that someone is better than him. In some cases, this can really hurt Dumas, and he clings to what he does not doubt in himself - material things. Because of this, this type's outlook on life is quite down-to-earth, if not materialistic. After all, how can you doubt yourself if you only look at your best sides? Thanks to the Second Emotion, FEVL gains attentiveness to feelings, the desire to influence and discuss them. Dumas are interested in other people's emotions, but how this interest is expressed depends on the specific FEVL. He can be a sensitive, empathetic interlocutor who will not leave anyone without a kind word, or he can sparkle with jokes, attract attention and expressively express his views on things, but always expecting a response. Dumas feel great in the center of attention, he is not characterized by shyness or obsession with his feelings. If there is fun in the company, FEVL is unlikely to be indifferent (perhaps it was he who raised everyone's mood). Among other things, 2E helps to reduce the load on 3B. When Dumas doubts his decision or wants to avoid responsibility, he turns everything into a joke, and does it easily and naturally. The hierarchy of thinking of the Third Will affects 2E. FEVL humor can be either completely harmless or quite cruel (depending on the level of culture). The Fourth Logic does not burden itself with unnecessary reasoning. Dumas is simple and straightforward. He is drawn to people who express their thoughts precisely and briefly. FEVL has a more difficult time explaining his thoughts. It is easier for him to simply say what conclusions he has come to, rather than how he came to this conclusion and what evidence there is. If it does come to a discussion, Dumas prefers to refer to authoritative sources and knowledgeable people. By the way, he often has such authorities among his friends, whom he asks about something or asks to explain. Dumas loves pleasure and wealth, creates a mood and literally radiates love for life. Despite his simplicity and uncomplicated nature, he has his own ambitions. With some support, he can achieve a lot, especially if it is related to the exchange of emotions (Dumas are quite common in show business). Intellectual activity (for example, scientific or logical games) is not of great interest to him. Dumas is interested in applying his knowledge or communicating with interesting people.

FELV - "Borgia"

Representatives of the FELV type are the biggest lovers of pleasure and physical enjoyment. They value fun, entertainment, holidays. They do not strain themselves in company, easily attract attention to themselves and feel great at the same time. They are considered flirtatious, playful, charming. They are attractive and always surrounded by admirers. They take relationships to heart, are violently worried about quarrels and breakups, but are quickly consoled. Long-term melancholy and sadness are not typical for them. The Borgias consider themselves experts in style, but are often dissatisfied with their appearance if they lack the willpower or means to look good. However, this does not affect their self-confidence. They are very lazy and can live on someone else's money without embarrassment (for example, grown-up children are in no hurry to move out from their parents). At the same time, their personal freedom cannot be limited. FELV will still lead the lifestyle he wants, and everyone around him will have to take this into account. Borgia is not usually perceived as a person whose main asset is intelligence. Because of this, others can be quite surprised by FELV's insight, her conscious view of the world, and how well Borgia understands the issues of existence. FELV is especially good at understanding people and their motivations. These people have a craving for creative self-realization, they often engage in some kind of art - dancing, music, literature, sometimes they are fond of sports. Their ambitions are mostly connected with this sphere. Borgias love money and strive not to deny anything to themselves - this is the factor that makes them overcome their own laziness and reach career heights.

FVEL - "Chekhov"

The First Physics gives confidence in interaction with the material world. Chekhov is so confident in his right to own the world around him that he may not even notice it, but he will certainly notice when someone tries to deprive him of the right to own his property. Both objects, activities and people can be considered his. With all this, FVEL is not inclined to actively change anything in "his possessions". Often, what he has is quite enough for him. If it is not enough, he will use the most simple way to get what he needs. The Third Emotion gives the outwardly down-to-earth Chekhov emotional sensitivity. FVEL is sensitive to other people's experiences and has a high level of empathy, while at the same time being reserved in expressing his own feelings. These qualities can make him a good diplomat or contribute to self-realization in art. For him, the much-desired material goods are not just “just to have”, but also one of the means to calm himself down, to feel comfortable not only physically, but also emotionally. However, the interaction of 1F and 3E has another side: Chekhov's experiences affect his confidence in everyday things. "If they don't like me here, is this my place?" - this is approximately how Chekhov might think in an unpleasant situation. The question "mine or not mine?" is important for FVEL, and, prompted by his emotions, he will go looking for what he lacks - "his own". The Second Will gives Chekhov the desire to discuss plans, persuade, agitate. This is a need and, at the same time, the most active means of influence. Moreover, Chekhov influences not only others, but also himself: during the process by Will, he is motivated himself and can forget about the inconveniences of Emotion. 2B makes Chekhov a gentle person who does not assert himself at the expense of others, and at the same time very persistent. In general, for FVEL, Will is an explanation for many things: 2V often perceives the situation in such a way that a person can do something, but simply does not want to, and the two sees its task as pushing to action. For example, if someone resists hugs with FVEL, Chekhov may think that the person only wants his wishes to be taken into account (V), but in fact he is not at all against "cuddling" (F). The lack of emotional support (E) is also explained by the unwillingness to provide it (V). If, during persuasion, the interlocutor says a categorical "no" or does not speak at all, Chekhov will feel uncomfortable: "Am I imposing myself? Is he not interested in me?" And these questions already concern the Third Emotion, which is very naive in terms of other people's reactions. The Fourth Logic almost always remains aside: it is much easier to ask someone than to think for yourself. Chekhov does not want to sort out information once again, so the source of knowledge must be reliable. For such reasons, FVEL seeks its authority in the field of knowledge. Since knowledge can be different, there can be several of these authorities. Chekhov is a soft, diplomatic PY type. He is not inclined to criticize anyone in principle, on the contrary, he supports the aspirations of others. Down to earth and simple, he can be unexpectedly sensitive and empathetic. He easily admits that he may misunderstand something, but it is extremely difficult to convince FVEL in matters of principle.

FVLE - "Goethe"

All types of the First Quadra, according to many, have very bright manifestations. All of them are the best in something: Andersen, as is known, is the most tragic type, Gazali is the most spiritual, Aristippus is the most dangerous. And Goethe is considered the most harmonious type. Let's figure out why this impression was formed about him and how much it has in common with reality. FVLE gives the impression of being down-to-earth and reliable, often inspiring trust in people who barely know him. Representatives of this type are characterized by nobility in the spirit of "Live and let live." It is not difficult to get help from this person if you do not abuse his generosity. Goethe is a great lover of simple worldly pleasures, such as a delicious dinner, pleasant chatter or a good book. At the same time, the desire to assert oneself at the expense of others is alien to them, which is why it sometimes seems that they are devoid of ambition. In fact, Goethe believes that any goals can be achieved in such a way as not to harm, or even help, the people around them. They are interested in working together, although they also tolerate loneliness very well. For FVLE, in comparison with other representatives of 1F, insatiability and gradation in the material sense are not so characteristic. They are easier to control themselves when it comes to the daily routine, healthy nutrition, clothing, accumulation of money or things. Caring for themselves, as well as for others, is a very characteristic quality for them. Goethe strives for moderate hedonism, which would not prevent him from realizing himself in life. FVLEs are very fond of asking themselves “eternal” questions, reflecting on the meaning of life, on fate, on the structure of the world. They, as a rule, have a high degree of awareness and a formed view of the world. They do not strain themselves in communication, they like both company and solitude. They are interested in people as a source of new thoughts and motivation. So, Goethe is really a very harmonious type, in which he is helped by his Second Will (which does not allow him to rise at someone else's expense) and Third Logic (the most painless of the three, as is known, besides, a person with 3L is an eternal student, because of which he always remains young in his soul). Thanks to the First Physics, Goethe is not cut off from everything earthly, from pleasures, and is perceived as a support in the material world, as a strong, confident person.

FLEV - "Epicurus"

Epicurus's hedonism is so natural to him that he does not notice it and is not inclined to think too much about the material side of life. Because of this, FLEVs often confuse themselves with 4F. However, they differ from 4F in their desire for physical pleasures and comfort, especially in critical situations: when 4F forgets about food, sleep and comfort, 1F, on the contrary, is inclined to return to its basis - the first function, with the help of physical pleasures, which return to it the ability to think sensibly and the will to do something. For FLEV, as for all productive physicists, a certain laziness is characteristic, an unwillingness to perform unnecessary actions. Epicurus takes from the material world only what he needs, and in the amount he considers necessary. Thanks to this, he releases energy for his process functions. Logical reasoning is one of the favorite pleasures of this type. This is the area in which he feels free and confident, and strives to encourage the activity of others, provoking them to discussions, to express their opinions. At the same time, Epicurus is not inclined to heated debates. He brings stubborn and hard-headed interlocutors down to earth with the help of gentle irony, and allows those who are unsure of their reasoning to open up, kindly and patiently explaining incomprehensible logical chains in simple and language accessible. If this type uses offensive irony beyond measure , most likely, in this way he wants to protect his offended Third function. 3E makes him insecure in showing his emotional reactions and suspicious in matters of reactions of others to him. Epicurus often sees a reason for resentment where a person did not try to offend him. The questions “Am I needed?”, “How am I perceived?”, “Am I imposing myself?” torment the owner of 3E constantly. He can be embarrassed by his smile, facial expression, “dull” voice, unnatural laughter. It is extremely important for him to receive support from others on this aspect in the form of unconditional acceptance, a friendly atmosphere. Epicurus is drawn to people who can liberate him emotionally, as to the rays of the sun, and becomes strongly attached to them. He also, as a rule, treats animals and plants with love, understands their needs. They help him regain his lost mental balance. The Fourth Will of Epicurus makes him peaceful, pleasant in interaction with people, a person who takes into account the wishes of others, strives not to offend anyone, so that everyone remains happy. He is not inclined to change the style of communication depending on the status and social role of a person, for him all people are equal and free in this world. At the same time, it is difficult for him to set global, long-term goals and motivate himself to achieve them - for this, you need to use higher functions. In general, FLEV is a life-loving and resilient person, a little melancholic, passive in unfamiliar situations, sensitive, democratic and internally free.

FLVE - "Aristippus"

Aristippus has a rather gloomy worldview and is often drawn to the so-called "aesthetics of the disgusting." He often takes the place of a gray cardinal in society, who has remarkable ambitions, but at the same time is wary of attracting attention to himself. He is vindictive and has difficulty forgiving insults, since he is very concerned about the inviolability of his social status. He is often slow in his movements and speaks in a quiet voice. In society, FLVE is rarely popular, usually he is unpleasant to others and strives to inspire them not with love, but with fear. He strives to have power, but having received it, he shows all his worst qualities. He is very smart and far-sighted, because of which he is prone to intrigue and secrets. In society, he is vulgar and repulsive with his cynicism. Aristippus combines greed with concern for his loved ones. He tends to divide people into his own and others, and is distrustful. He opens up only to those people who impress him as altruists, and he believes that no hidden goals are pursued when communicating with him. He loves jokes and fun, but does not have a keen sense of this area, and is rude. With a high level of intelligence, he is ironic and mocking. FLVE is often called the most dangerous psychosophical type, because many criminals and tyrants had such a layout of functions. At the same time, he himself strives for security, is drawn to unambitious, sincere people who do not seek to compete with him (Aristippus, like all holders of 3B, perceives superiority over himself in any sphere of life painfully). Only such a person will be able to find an approach to him and use for the benefit of all his enormous thirst for self-affirmation.

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